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Plattensätze zur Zentrierung von BALTECH-23458N in Koffer

Precise and high-quality sets of plates for centering BALTECH-23458N in cases

BALTECH GmbH recommends that you always use accurate and high-quality alignment plate sets of the BALTECH-23458N series. Our strategy is to deliver only high-quality and competitive products. During the alignment of the machine, it is necessary to take into account the corrections for thermal expansion and ascent of the shaft on the oil wedge in the sliding bearings. It is always necessary to check the tension of the machine's piping and the "soft paw" of the electric motor. To do this, use the BALTECH SA-4300 systems for high-quality and accurate alignment, which will help you make all the necessary calculations for moving in the horizontal and vertical plane, as well as calculate the thickness of the calibrated plates that you need. you can choose quickly and easily from THE baltech-23458N kit. Our plates are among the most accurate on the world market. We invite dealers from different countries to cooperate. Training for dealers in the following areas: alignment, balancing, vibration control, temperature control, analysis of oils and lubricants, induction heaters, quality control of rolling bearings, laser geometry verification and thermography is free of charge. For more information about the size of accurate and high-quality shaft alignment plates, please contact our offices in Germany and the United States.

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450 € VHB
Lübeck Moisling, Schleswig-Holstein
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