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Spectro Scientifics tragbares Instrument

Spectro Scientific is a portable instrument for the analysis of oils and greases

Dear readers, listeners and just not indifferent to the topic "Reliable Equipment"! Today we will talk very briefly about what information oil carries. Yes, the same oil that is poured into the gearbox, turbine, hydraulic system, and much more ... will Help us in our conversation line of equipment that offers for sale to its regular and new customers the company BALTECH.
We will start as always "from simple to complex".
What's the easiest thing to do? Of course BALTECH OA-5000. So, having this portable Express laboratory at your disposal, you can always know how much your oil is contaminated with conductive impurities. Who's to say it's inconvenient? I don't think there will be any!
But, at some stage of operation of the BALTECH OA-5000, the question will arise: "what is the oil contaminated with?", "Maybe we don't care about oil pollution at all?", "Perhaps it is enough for me to know the chemical state of the oil?". Then of course you should contact the company BALTECH. And You will be offered minilab 23 (Spectro Scientific, USA). This is exactly what will allow you to know everything about the chemical state of your oil. And a nice bonus is the ability to determine the viscosity.
But! It may be important for you to know about the presence of ferromagnetic impurities in the oil. Then you should think about a more powerful minilab. And it is, of course, in the range of equipment of the company BALTECH. MiniLab 33 (Spectro Scientific, USA) is suitable for solving your problem. With its help, you can accurately find out about the presence of various iron-containing particles in your oil.
But, production is a very difficult thing. Sometimes, knowing the total oil contamination is not enough.

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4.000 € VHB
Lübeck Moisling, Schleswig-Holstein
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