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Methoden zum Auswuchten von Teilen an Maschinen

12. Methods of balancing the parts on the machines

How, where and how to balance the rotor? What is a balancing machine? How does it work? And where to buy it? Since you are reading this article, you are definitely asking these questions.
Let's start with the fact that the balancing machine is an equipment with a measuring sensor and installation for further balancing. The measuring part is responsible for accurately determining the location and magnitude of the imbalance (unbalance) of the rotor by measuring the vibration. The machine installation consists of a drive frame and supports for mounting the balanced part.
Balancing machines are used for balancing rotating parts-rotors of electric motors and turbines, shafts, couplings, screws, gyroscopes, cartridges of milling machines, etc.
How does it work? The principle of operation of the balancing machine is very simple: the balanced rotor is installed on the supports of the machine, the drive for its rotation and the measuring device with an indication. Next, the belt-driven motor rotates the rotor, during the rotation of the sensors make measurements that are transmitted to the computer to further identify the location and magnitude of the imbalance.
After identifying the necessary data, balancing is performed. Depending on the type of part and the imbalance there are three methods of balancing:
1. Mass sampling – in the identified places, the mass is removed in any available way (drilling is possible) to redistribute the mass. This is the fastest and easiest balancing method.
2. Adding mass – in the specified places add the necessary mass. This can be done in various ways (welding plates, installing balancing washers and adjusting screws), depending on the circumstances.
3. The method of balancing rings-is applied mainly to the mandrels of milling machines. Two rings are attached to the mandrel, which rotate around the axis of the mandrel.

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