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Was kann getan werden, um den Umweltschutz zu verbessern?

Spectro Scientific - What can be done to improve pollution control

Contamination control is one of the most important strategies for maintaining optimal lubricant performance. The grease will last exponentially longer if it is clean, cool and dry. The first step in controlling pollution is to determine which pollutants pose the greatest risk. Particulate matter, water and air are the most common pollutants.
Solid contaminants include dirt, metal due to internal wear and tear on the machine. Other problems may include glycol contamination, which can cause oil thickening and wear, along with fuel, which can accelerate oxidation and lead to thinning of the lubricating film. Depending on the application, even radiation can be a pollutant.
After identifying possible contaminants, their influence on the lubricant must be taken into account. These effects may vary depending on the contaminant, its concentration and the use of the lubricant. For example, particle contamination can lead to mechanical destruction of machine surfaces, such as abrasion and surface fatigue (pitting).
Air pollution can lead to oil compressibility, reduced film strength, cavitation and varnishing. Water contamination can affect lubricant additives as well as the machine. Moisture in the base oil can lead to oxidation and hydrolysis, which in turn changes the chemical composition of the lubricant. This can contribute to varnish formation, viscosity changes and acid formation, which can seriously affect the life of the machine.
Fortunately, the contaminants in the oil can be controlled using modern particle counters or even complete analytical complexes, such as the Minilab series minilabs. These minilabs include not only the LNF series particle counters, magnetometers (depending on the type of minilab), which can detect pollution by solid particles, but also the 1100 IR analyzer, which makes it possible to determine pollution by water, fuel and glycol.

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Lübeck Moisling, Schleswig-Holstein
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